Oh where, oh where is my Twilight book?
Today we present another posting of “Where in the world is the Twilight book?” Dear Twilight book, Although I am now reading Breaking Dawn in the Twilight series (for the 3rd time), I must say YOU...
View ArticleA tear jerker Twilight Thursday
Dear LTTers, We’ve shared this week about the crazy letters we get from special Twilighters who provide us with countless laughs. But for every 10 25 crazy emails we get, we read one that brings us...
View ArticleWould we like Twilight if it weren't for Edward?
Dear Team Edward, Close your eyes and think about your love for the Twilight series books. And now let your heart go ‘pitter-patter’ as you think of and feel your connection with Edward Cullen. Now,...
View ArticleThankful for Twilight and all it's done….
Dear Twilight, It’s been a strange year to say the least. Although I often find myself focusing on the negative in my life, I really truly do have a lot for which I am thankful. I am thankful that the...
View ArticleDefending Twilight
Dear Twilight, I want you to know that I still love you, even though we really haven’t seen much of each other lately. The other day at work, I was surfing the net like you do when there is nothing to...
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